طي ھفتھ ھاي اخیر، بھ بھانھ ھاي مختلف، آیت الله بروجردي مورد آزار واذیت قرار گرفتھ است. ھفتھ گذشتھ، بھ بھانھ سمپاشي اتاق ایشان، بطورعمدي سمت چپ صورت ایشان را ھدف قرار دادند و بھ صورت و چشمهایشان آسیب جدي رساندند. بنابر آخرین گزارش واصلھ، ایشان در حال حاضر از ناحیھ چشم چپ قادر بھ دیدن نیست و نیاز اكید بھ مداواي تخصصي دارد. ایشان از انواع بیماریھاي حاد جسمي و روحي رنج مي برد بھ گونھ اي كھ نزدیكان ایشان وي را در حال احتضار توصیف كرده اند و ازھمگان درخواست كمك كرده اند. دیده بان حقوق بشر و كمپین بین المللي حقوق بشر نیز اخیرا، مراتب ابرازنگراني شدید خود را نسبت بھ وضعیت جسمي و روحي آیت الله كاظمیني بروجردي ابراز كرده اند.
Ayatollha Boroujerdi’s physical and mental health have continued to deteriorate
Ayatollah Kazemeini Boroujerdi has been annoyed by many excuses during recent weeks. Last week with the excuse of spraying his cell, they injured him intentionally and damaged his face and left eye. According to last report, presently he can not see by his left eye. He needs special cure. He suffers from many illnesses - spiritual & physical – in which his family has described him in throes of death. They have requested international aid for him. "Human Rights Watch" and "international campaign for Human Rights in Iran" have recently issued declarations about his condition in prison and have showed their worry about his state.
http://hrw.org/english/docs/2008/06/05/iran19031.htmAyatollah Kazemeini Boroujerdi has been annoyed by many excuses during recent weeks. Last week with the excuse of spraying his cell, they injured him intentionally and damaged his face and left eye. According to last report, presently he can not see by his left eye. He needs special cure. He suffers from many illnesses - spiritual & physical – in which his family has described him in throes of death. They have requested international aid for him. "Human Rights Watch" and "international campaign for Human Rights in Iran" have recently issued declarations about his condition in prison and have showed their worry about his state.
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