آخرين وضعيت مرجع ديكتاتور ستيز ايران
آيت الله بروجردي بر اثر غذاهاي آلوده، داروهاي مشكوك، حبس در شرايط بسيار بد و ضرب و شتم و شكنجههاي مختلف، به بيماريهاي گوناگون و تشنجهاي مغزي مبتلا شده است. ايشان در بند 500 زندان اوين تحت بازداشت قرار دارد و با وجود اينكه از بيماريهاي قلبي، تنفسي، بينائي و پاركينسون رنج ميبرد، ولي شرايط مداواي ايشان را مهيا نميكنند. با آنكه اخيرا مدتي در بيمارستان بستري بود ولي درمان اساسي براي اين روحاني مظلوم انجام نشد و بيشتر اوقات داروهاي آرام بخش و حتي قرصهاي روانگردان ميدهند تا درد ناشي از بيماريها را كمتر احساس كند و توان اعتراض نداشته باشد! بدينوسيله از همه نهادهاي قضائي و خبري، درخواست ميشود وضعيت آيت الله بروجردي را پيگيري كنند و حكومت ايران را جهت صدور مجوز براي درمان اين روحاني مردمي و دلسوز، تحت فشار قرار دهند.
تا كنون بيش از 5000 نفر، بيانيه آزادي آيت الله بروجردي را امضا كردهاندhttp://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?Maat2
فراخوان جهاني براي آزادي آيت الله بروجرديhttp://www.boroujerdi.eu/europa/boroujerdi-UN.htm
Dear Sir/Madam, Certainly you know apolitical clergy, Ayatollah Seyyed Hossein Kazemeini Boroujerdi, who was captured wildly by Intelligence Service in Iran on 8th Oct 2006. His sin is just his belief which is separation policy from religion. He has been under many different sorts of tortures since 1992 when he started to hold religious meetings. From that time until now his family, his followers and he himself are under mental and physical tortures. He is in prison about 17 months and during this time he has caught different illnesses in prison such as high blood pressure, Parkinson, Asthma, Diabetes, Kidney problems, Heart attacks… by infected meals, addictive drugs, assault and battery and imprisonment in very horrible situations. He wrote some letters to many international institutions and important men and wanted them to help him releasing from prison. On this point prison responsible transferred him from public clergy section to solitary confinement in 209 section in Evin prison for about 80 days. During this time he was under spiritual tortures and the result is that it is about 1 month when he keeps faint. Unfortunately they do not attend to his state. One specialist doctor has warned that it is dangerous for patient if each faint takes long time. His family has asked prison responsible to take him to the hospital and take photo from his head (MRI, magnetic resonance imaging) to find out the reason of faints because prison hospital is not equipped with modern facility enough and MRI set but unfortunately they do not accept it. Although he suffers from many illnesses and his condition is grave, they do not prepare his medical treatment and cure conditions. He was in prison hospital for a while but there was not a basic cure for him. Mostly they give tranquilizer to him and even sometimes make him take psychedelic tablets to feel pain less! “Human Rights activities in Iran “issued a declaration, wanting to prepare suitable conditions for his medical treatment recently.
Supporting Ayatollah Boroujerdi with more than 5000 signatures:http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?Maat2
Universal Call:http://www.boroujerdi.eu/europa/boroujerdi-UN.htm
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